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Sharing the Love of Christ
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Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Youth faith formation is at the core of St. John's Youth & Family Ministry. Beginning in 7th grade, Confirmation marks an important season in a young Christian's life. Their three-year journey culminates with The Rite of Confirmation when students affirm for themselves the baptismal vows sponsors made on their behalf at baptism.
Pastors and Adult Care Group Leaders prepare students for the 9th grade Rite of Confirmation. Students travel through the program in a small peer group led by an Adult Care Group Leader. In large and small groups, students learn about God, themselves, and the relationship between the two. Pastors teach the tenets of the Lutheran faith, create deep and meaningful experiences for students, build relationships with the students and form a foundation of faith that students can build upon through high school, into college and for the rest of their lives.
2024-2025 Confirmation
Another Confirmation year is underway! This is another step in your child’s faith journey and we’re excited to provide this a meaningful experience for your family.