Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.

Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Media Your Way
Digital Media
We have a wide variety of ways for you to plug in and hear stories of our God who loves you unconditionally and meets you right where you are. Sign-up to join us in the Sanctuary on Saturdays at 5:30pm or Sundays at 8:30am and 11:00am, or watch our livestream on our YouTube channel.
You can view any of our 150+ original videos on YouTube. We have 60+ worship videos that cover an entire liturgical year as well as moving videos like Beautiful Things, the Sunday School Christmas Program, Food Pantry Special Videos, Faith Series Videos, Faith Series Mini's and Youth Sunday.
Our videos showcase people like yourself, sinners and saints who live their faith in the best way they can. Whether you're looking for enjoyment, fulfillment, or inspiration, you'll find it in our library.
You can also use digital media to stay connected with devotionals and our St. John Messenger Newsletter.
Are you looking to learn more about the ELCA? There are over 55 different ELCA Resource headings to choose from.
Take a minute and browse through our libraries. Email us if you are looking for a specific worship service, sermon or story. We're happy to help locate it.