Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.

Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA

Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Livestream Ministry
Plug in to St. John
Sunday Morning Livestream Team

Email Jenelle Lambert
The St. John Livestream Ministry Team is a volunteer team that operates the Livestream equipment on Sunday mornings. Currently, we broadcast the 9:30am worship service on our YouTube page in real time. After the initial broadcast, viewers may watch the recording of the Livestream at any time.
This team welcomes a wide range of volunteers from high schoolers to retirees! You do not need to have experience, we provide training! However, all potential Team Members should:
have an interest in computers, gadgets and/or gizmos
be able to comfortably use a computer
enjoy learning
be available a few Sundays a month from 7:30am-9:45am
All Livestream Team Members receive hands on, 1:1 training before joining the team. Each team member leans how to use the equipment which includes a remote camera controller, switcher and ProPresenter graphics.
Volunteers sign-up for services they are able to work based on their personal schedules. When you join, you should plan to try it out for 3 months because it will take that long to do training, learn, and be comfortable on the equipment. All of the content is created prior to worship and volunteers are not responsible for creating any new content, graphics, design, editing, scheduling, etc. There are no long term commitments required to join this team. We only ask that you commit to 3 months/12 weeks at a time which you may pause or end as your schedule allows.
Communications Manager, Jenelle Lambert, leads this team. If you are interested in learning about this ministry or are considering joining, email communications@stjohnjoliet.org
Your time spent here counts towards service hours for high school and college community service requirements like NHS, Key Club, sports, sororities or fraternities, etc.
We look forward to meeting you!
Email Jenelle Lambert