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Sharing the Love of Christ
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Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Soundtrack of our Faith
St. John has a long history of diversified music and outstanding musicians. From traditional Lutheran hymnal songs played on the organ to Praise Band music with full band, there truly is something for everyone. Voice and instrument soloists often offer their music in praise to God during worship.
If you like to sing, there is a place for you here. Our adults sing in the St. John Chorale and our children sing in the Youth Choir or Joyful Singers. We are blessed with an adult bell choir and a youth bell choir.
Music Sunday, Thanksgiving Eve and The St. John Chorale Christmas Cantata are a few of our favorite musical centerpieces.
Contact Tori Hicks with any questions at torihicks@stjohnjoliet.org.