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Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.

Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA

Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
St. John Youth & Families Ministry
Faith Formation for Youth & Families
Our pastors create intimate in-person experiences for the youth and families of St. John. We celebrate faith milestones where children encounter God and begin to understand for themselves the significance of praying the Lord's Prayer from memory, receiving their first Bible, First Communion and Confirmation. And we have programming for children a few months old to the golden years. Read on for information.
Beautiful Beginnings - TBD
Sunday School
Sunday School is open to children who will be 3 years old or older before September 1, 2024. If your child(ren) will not be 3 years old before September 2024, you and your child are invited to join our Beautiful Beginnings. Click for Sunday School Page.
Tween GO:Tween = 4th, 5th, 6th grade kidsGO = God & OthersIf you are in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade, you can be part of our Tween GO ministry! We meet one Sunday afternoon a month. Come join us for a meal, creative activities, small groups who learn about loving our neighbors and highs/lows! Registrations are taken at the door when parents drop off their youth. We will spending most of our time outside to keep our kids safe. Come join us for a fun afternoon! Tween GO! page.
7th/8th Grade Retreat:We want all of our incoming students to feel that they are an important part of Confirmation and a short retreat achieves this goal. Our 7th/8th graders will be introduced to each other and all of the great things that make confirmation what it is during our kickoff retreat on September 18th. While on retreat, we will worship around a big bonfire, participate in team-building activities, run around outside, take a hike in God’s creation, pray, share highs and lows, and hold devotions, all in one day! Sign up opens soon!
Confirmation classes are for our 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students. We meet most Wednesday nights during the school year from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. We want youth to learn about faith in a way that connects to their lives and answers the real questions they have. The year will be packed with large group learning events based on the 10 Commandments and the story of the Exodus, small group check-ins, activities to practice faith, service projects, and time set apart to connect with each other. Confirmation Page.
High School FIRE:
Are you in high school? Do you need a community that loves you just as you are? Or a safe space to talk about life? FIRE may be the family you need! Starting September 8th, you can join us on Wednesdays at church from 8:15-9:30pm for a “mini-Sabbath” where we share highs and lows, process life, faith, and the world, play games, and pray for each other (all while being our silly, messy selves). We have a place for you! To join and to stay up to date with meeting times and changes, text the Remind code @pastorevan to the number 81010.
Youth Service Team:
An excellent new addition to our high school ministry is the Youth Service Team which meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 7:00-8:30pm at church. If your child has a heart for serving others, is looking to grow as a leader, and needs service hours for school or college applications, this group combines all three of these needs.
High School Fall/Winter Retreat!
This year our winter retreat will be moving to November at Lutherdale Bible Camp in Elkhorn, WI! We are excited for new possibilities in slightly warmer weather.
College-age Check-in:
Are you between the ages of 18-24? Do you need a community to belong to? Our "College-age Check-in” is a community of college-age people who meet twice a month to reconnect, share high and lows, wrestle with becoming adults, play games, and navigate life together. To find out more about when and how we meet, contact evanmayhew@stjohnjoliet.org.
College Care Packages:
Every fall we send our college-age youth care packages filled with dorm-ready food and encouraging messages. Parents of College-age youth, please keep an eye out for an email in September that will collect mailing address information. Congregation members will have the opportunity to contribute food in October.
Blessing of the Animals
Join us in celebrating the feast of St. Francis at St. John’s Blessing of the Animals! At this service, we remember that God loves all our fellow creatures on the Earth and calls us to show that love to the animals in our care! Animals with paws, claws, scales, feathers, or hoofs are all welcome to receive a blessing. You can also bring a picture of your pet or even your child's stuffed animal! Leashes or appropriate control restraints required for safety (except fish).
Even if you don’t have a pet, feel free to join us for a fun, joyful, and very creaturely short worship service!